Tax and estate planning
Wealth planning
Wherever you live or wherever your assets are located, we can help you find and implement solutions tailored to your individual circumstances.
Our services
Analysis of tax exposure relating to companies and business owners
If you are a business owner, we can optimise the tax implications arising from your connection to the business when buying, selling or passing it on to family members. We also consider governance arrangements and plan ahead for income streams such as salaries and dividends.
Analysis of tax exposure and property transaction optimisation
We are equally attentive to property transactions, including viager sales and direct or indirect property investments.
Wealth protection and estate planning
We provide solutions for estate planning and protecting family assets by setting up testamentary provisions or other arrangements where necessary, including charitable foundations.
Asset protection in the event of incapacity
We can help you make and register a lasting power of attorney.
Our customised solution
Independent, seasoned advice
Our long-standing experience in wealth advisory enables us to help you efficiently and work exclusively in your interests.
Your one-stop partner for tax and wealth planning
We work together with you to safeguard your wealth and improve your tax efficiency.
Long-term planning for the whole family
We look after your assets for the long term, including planning for successions.
Contact us

Advisory mandate
Even more than providing a comprehensive suite of wealth management services, we seek to build a privileged relationship with each of our clients aimed at fully achieving their objectives.

Discretionary investment mandates
By signing a discretionary investment agreement, you hand over the management of your investments to us.

Financial and retirement planning
Whether you’re employed or self-employed, financial planning and occupational pension provision are essential to protecting your assets and funding your retirement, or providing for your loved ones in the event of death or disability.

Family office services
We help you and all your family members manage and administer your family wealth from a holistic perspective.

Multi-bank consolidation services
Wherever your assets are held, we offer an integrated solution that brings them all together in one multi-bank consolidation resource.

Property services
Buying, selling, financing and managing property assets requires expertise and outside help. Our property specialists can help you attain all your objectives.

Financing advisory
As wealth architects, we take into account all your circumstances, come rain or shine. We design and instigate structured, tailor-made financing solutions. Flexibility is central to our planning.

Mergers and acquisitions
You manage your own business and plan to acquire a competitor, or plan to sell your business or pass it on to the next generation. We’ll select the best advisors to support you every step of the way.