Organising my estate
We can help you organise your estate in a way that protects your family’s wealth and ensures a smooth transition to the next generation. We provide tailored solutions involving wills and other structures where required – taking into account your personal objectives, legal obligations and specific needs. We can also advise on the use of charitable foundations.
Wealth and estate planning
The first step in securing your family assets is to analyse your marital property system and how this impacts your estate. Whether you live in Switzerland or abroad, whether you’re married, cohabiting or in a registered partnership, we can help you to grasp the legal and financial implications of each living arrangement. Depending on marital system (sharing of after-acquired property, community property or separate property), we’ll identify the best options for protecting your interests and those of your loved ones.
We also analyse family and inheritance configurations, looking at number of children, direct heirs, remarriages and blended families. These often complex considerations call for detailed planning to ensure fairness for your heirs and compliance with Swiss and foreign legislation.
We can help you determine whether a will or contract of inheritance needs to be drawn up or an existing one amended to honour your wishes and safeguard your interests. Support can be provided to draw up wills, make gifts and in other types of planning.
Nurturing and safeguarding family assets
We offer tailored solutions to help you safeguard your family assets and pass them on seamlessly. This includes drawing up testamentary provisions, preparing gifts or setting up suitable entities to preserve your assets such as foundations. We can assist you in safeguarding your children’s assets in the event of divorce or other unforeseen circumstances by identifying the appropriate instruments and structures to bring into play.
In addition, we consider implications arising from the permanent residency and nationality of your heirs. If a family member lives abroad, we’ll assess the impact on your current inheritance arrangements and adapt your strategy accordingly. In short, we strive to guarantee the orderly transfer of your assets, even in cross-border situations.
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Financial and retirement planning
Whether you’re employed or self-employed, financial planning and occupational pension provision are essential to protecting your assets and funding your retirement, or providing for your loved ones in the event of death or disability.

Tax and estate planning
Wherever you live or wherever your assets are located, we can help you find and implement solutions tailored to your individual circumstances.