Bonhôte Impact
Bonhôte has been offering responsible investment solutions since 2013.
The Bonhôte Impact range aims to deliver a positive environmental and social impact, investing in sectors and themes that address the key challenges facing the world today: finding solutions for climate change, supporting economic development in disadvantaged regions, making effective use of natural resources and promoting access to health and education.
Bonhôte Impact’s aims are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which were established in 2015. The team checks the sustainability of investments and quantifies their impact with the assistance of our partner Conser.
Sustainability-focused asset managers are carefully selected, and the portfolio features a diverse range of investments across several asset classes, including green bonds, themed equity investments and microfinance.
An asset management mandate is available in defensive, balanced and growth profiles, providing a highly flexible investment solution.
The investment fund – a Luxembourg-registered UCITS – offers weekly liquidity.
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Our Impact investment mandate aims to generate a measurable positive social and environmental impact in addition to an attractive financial return. It does this by investing in themes aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).